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Convert a music library from a format to another with mussync-tools

by Pierre-Yves Landuré last modified Nov 14, 2017 01:27

Mussync-tools is a audio conversion tool specialized in smartly converting a music library from a format to another. Mussync-tools convert files from source format to target format by keeping the folder architecture of the source library. Mussync-tools synchronize the target library with the source library, deleting files from target library when the corresponding source files are missing from source library, and updating conversion for files changed in source library.

This howto is tested on:

  • Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander
  • Debian 7.0 Wheezy
  • Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks

Mussync-tools is tested with:

  • Flac
  • Ogg/Vorbis
  • MP3

Mussync-tools keeps metadatas and front cover image when converting.


Install the needed software:

sudo apt-get install libav-tools eyed3 mediainfo vorbis-tools \
flac parallel mp3gain vorbisgain vbrfix mp3val

Install mussync-tools:

sudo wget '' \
    --no-check-certificate --output-document='/usr/local/bin/mussync-tools'
sudo chmod +x '/usr/local/bin/mussync-tools'

Note: On Mac OS X, use Mac Ports to install the needed software:

# sudo port install ffmpeg py-eyed3 mediainfo vorbis-tools \
flac parallel aacgain vorbisgain +no_x11 -x11 +quartz


To convert a source library in various formats (Flac, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, ...) to the MP3 format with a 192kbits/s bitrate:

command mussync-tools \
    --input-library='/path/to/Flac-library' \
    --output-library='/path/to/MP3-library' \
    --output-format='mp3' \

Note: The --delete option trigger the deletion of output library MP3 files that have no match in input library. This is not the default behaviour.

Use --quiet option to disable the output of processing progression:

command mussync-tools \
    --input-library='/path/to/Flac-library' \
    --output-library='/path/to/MP3-library' \
    --output-format='mp3' \
    --delete --quiet

Note: this tool is cron proof as it lock the output library. Only one instance of this tool can change the target library at a given moment.
