Install Bandwidthd on Debian
Bandwidthd is a local area network traffic monitoring tool. This post help you to install it on Debian.
This howto is tested on :
- Debian 6.0 Squeeze
This howto is tested with these versions of Bandwidthd :
- 2.0.1
This software sniff the network. When used on some setups (plugged on a HP Switch), it can trigger a network crash.
This howto need one of the following tools, according to the chosen HTTP server :
- a2tools, a script easing Apache 2 server administration.
- lighty-tools available on Install and setup Lighttpd on Debian.
Provide the domain name where will be available the software :
Environment preparation
Install the needed software :
command apt-get install build-essential libpcap-dev libgd2-noxpm-dev libpng12-dev
Application installation
Fetch the latest sources using the sf-downloader script :
command mkdir --parent '/opt/bin'
command wget '' \
--quiet --no-check-certificate --output-document='/opt/bin/sf-downloader'
command chmod +x '/opt/bin/sf-downloader'
SOURCE="$(/opt/bin/sf-downloader --tgz \
--download-template="bandwidthd/bandwidthd VERSION/bandwidthd-VERSION.tgz" \
"bandwidthd" "")"
Go to the software sources folder :
command pushd "${SOURCE}"
Compile the software :
command make
Install the software :
command make install
Delete the sources :
command popd
command rm -r "${SOURCE}"
Move folders to fit Linux Standard Base :
command mv "/usr/local/bandwidthd/etc/bandwidthd.conf" "/etc/bandwidthd.conf"
command mv "/usr/local/bandwidthd/bandwidthd" "/usr/local/bin/bandwidthd"
command chmod +x "/usr/local/bin/bandwidthd"
command ln -s "/etc/bandwidthd.conf" "/usr/local/bandwidthd/etc/bandwidthd.conf"
command mv "/usr/local/bandwidthd/htdocs" "/var/lib/bandwidthd"
command ln -s "/var/lib/bandwidthd" "/usr/local/bandwidthd/htdocs"
Create a init.d script for the daemon :
command cp "/etc/init.d/skeleton" "/etc/init.d/bandwidthd"
command sed -i \
-e 's|^NAME=.*|NAME="bandwidthd"|' \
-e 's|^DESC=.*|DESC="Network grapher."|' \
-e 's|^DAEMON=.*|DAEMON="/usr/local/bin/bandwidthd"|' \
-e '/^DAEMON=/a\
DATA_DIR="/usr/local/bandwidthd"' \
-e 's|^DAEMON_ARGS=.*|DAEMON_ARGS=""|' \
-e 's|--start |--start --chdir="${DATA_DIR}" |' \
command chmod +x '/etc/init.d/bandwidthd'
Launch the daemon :
/etc/init.d/bandwidthd start
Add the daemon to system startup :
command update-rc.d "bandwidthd" "defaults"
Setup the HTTP server virtual host :
if [ -x "/usr/bin/a2tools" ]; then command a2tools "${DOMAIN}" "/var/lib/bandwidthd" fi if [ -x "/usr/bin/lighty-tools" ]; then command lighty-tools add-vhost "${DOMAIN}" "/var/lib/bandwidthd" fi
Backup the installation with Backup Manager (see Install and setup Backup Manager on Debian) :
command backup-manager-tools add "/var/lib/bandwidthd"
- Thanks to Bandwidthd developers.