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Install the Python client library to Google Data API

by Pierre-Yves Landuré last modified Nov 11, 2017 09:40

The python-gdata library provided by the Debian repositories is obsolescent. This howto install the library latest version.

This howto is tested on :

  • Debian 6.0 Squeeze
  • Debian 7.0 Wheezy

This howto is tested with these versions:

  • 2.0.17


Install the needed software :

command apt-get install python-lxml

Download the latest version sources with the sf-downloader script :

command wget '' \
--quiet --no-check-certificate --output-document='/tmp/sf-downloader'
command chmod +x '/tmp/sf-downloader'
SOURCE="$(/tmp/sf-downloader --googlecode --tgz 'gdata-python-client' 'gdata-VERSION.tar.gz')"

Change to the sources folder :

command pushd "${SOURCE}"

Install the library :

command python "" "install"

Exit the sources folder :

command popd

Delete the downloaded files :

command rm -r "${SOURCE}"
