Create a Xen domU
This howto helps you to create a Xen domU with xen-tools and a distinct /var partition.
This howto is tested on :
- Debian 6.0 Squeeze
- Debian 7.0 Wheezy
This howto needs :
- the "automatic" role for xen-tools descripted by Setup xen-tools on Debian.
Provide a hostname for the new domU:
I propose to use this naming convention :
- host: Code for domU usage, for example: mysql for a MySQL server.
- domain: Company name, for example: biapy
- xen1: Code for Xen server, for example: ovh3 for the 3rd company server hosted by OVH.
The result is :
Provide the drive space assigned to /var partition (here, 10GB) :
Provide the IP address of the new domU :
Note: To use a IP address provided by DHCP, use :
# XEN_IP="dhcp"
DomU creation
Check the IP address settings :
if [ "${XEN_IP}" = "dhcp" -o -z "${XEN_IP}" ]; then
Initialize the domU :
command xen-create-image --hostname "${XEN_HOST}" \ ${IP_OPTIONS} --passwd --role automatic
Adding /var filesystem
According to the recommendations of the Linux Standard Base, the "/var" folder contains files that can be changed by the system (databases, e-mails, web sites datas, backups, etc.) This howto assign a logicial volume to this folder in order to ease the drive space assignation to a domU.
Create the LVM logical volume for the /var filesystem :
LVM_VG=$(command grep 'lvm' '/etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf' \
| command sed -e 's/lvm = //') command lvcreate -n "${XEN_HOST}-var" -L "${XEN_VAR}" "${LVM_VG}" command mkfs.ext4 "/dev/${LVM_VG}/${XEN_HOST}-var"
Edit the domU configuration file to use the logical volume :
command umount "/dev/${LVM_VG}/${XEN_HOST}-disk" MOUNT_POINT=$(command mktemp -d) command mount "/dev/${LVM_VG}/${XEN_HOST}-disk" "${MOUNT_POINT}" DISK_TYPE="sda" if [ -n "$(command grep -e "xvda" "${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/fstab")" ]; then DISK_TYPE="xvda" fi command echo "/dev/${DISK_TYPE}3 /var ext4 defaults 0 1" \
>> "${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/fstab" VAR_MOUNT_POINT=$(command mktemp -d) command mount "/dev/${LVM_VG}/${XEN_HOST}-var" "${VAR_MOUNT_POINT}" command cp -a "${MOUNT_POINT}/var/"* "${VAR_MOUNT_POINT}" command umount "${VAR_MOUNT_POINT}" command umount "${MOUNT_POINT}" if [ $(command grep "disk[\t ]*=.*\]" "/etc/xen/${XEN_HOST}.cfg" \
| command wc --lines) -eq 0 ]; then command sed -i -e "/^disk[\t ]*=.*/a\\ 'phy:${LVM_VG}\/${XEN_HOST}-var,${DISK_TYPE}3,w'," \ "/etc/xen/${XEN_HOST}.cfg" else command sed -i \
-e "s/^\(disk[\t ]*=.*\)\]/\1, 'phy:${LVM_VG}\/${XEN_HOST}-var,sda3,w' ]/" \
"/etc/xen/${XEN_HOST}.cfg" fi
Activate the new domU with :
command xm create "/etc/xen/${XEN_HOST}.cfg"
Set up the automatic domU activation at dom0 start-up :
command mkdir --parents "/etc/xen/auto"
command mv "/etc/xen/${XEN_HOST}.cfg" "/etc/xen/auto"
Fixing errors
Ubuntu domU
A Ubuntu domU can have locales errors. To fix those, generate the missing locale :
command locale-gen 'fr_FR.UTF-8'
Edit "/etc/environment" file and make sure it contains :
Reboot the domU to apply changes.