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Install the APC PHP extension on Debian

by Pierre-Yves Landuré last modified Mar 02, 2018 08:35

APC is the acronym for Alternative PHP Cache. This module enhance the performances of your PHP applications by caching the "compiled" PHP op-code.

This howto is tested on:

  • Debian 6.0 Squeeze
  • Debian 7.0 Wheezy
  • Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander


This post is incompatible with these how-to:


This howto needs :

Installation from Debian repository

Install the software:

if [ -n "$(command apt-cache pkgnames php5-apc)" \
-a -n "$(command dpkg --status "php5-common" | command grep "dotdeb")" ]; then
# Check for dot-deb packages.
command apt-get -y install php5-apc
elif [ -n "$(command apt-cache pkgnames php-apc)" ]; then
command apt-get -y install php-apc

Reload the configuration:

test -e '/etc/init.d/php5-fpm' && command service 'php5-fpm' 'restart'
test -e '/etc/init.d/apache2' && command service 'apache2' 'force-reload'


Detect PHP extension configuration path:

test -d '/etc/php5/mods-available' \
  && MODS_CONF_PATH='/etc/php5/mods-available'

The APC default configuration is sufficient. Make sure the APC extension is enabled, and turn on the upload progress status option:

echo '; APC Configuration
; priority=50
apc.enabled = 1
; Memory allocated to APC. Use Munin or APC Info to see if more is needed.
; rfc1867 allow file upload progression display.
apc.rfc1867 = on' \
> "${MODS_CONF_PATH}/apc-config.ini"
command type -f 'php5enmod' &>'/dev/null' && command php5enmod 'apc-config/50'

If needed, apply PHP-FPM specific settings:

if [ -e '/etc/init.d/php5-fpm' ]; then
echo '; Enable APC ressources sharing.
; priority=50
apc.mmap_file_mask=/apc.shm.XXXXXX' \
    > "${MODS_CONF_PATH}/apc-fpm.ini"
command type -f 'php5enmod' &>'/dev/null' && command php5enmod 'apc-fpm/50'

Note : If sharing APC data between many PHP applications is a (security) issue, the solution is to create a FPM pool by site. The main downside is the raise of server configuration complexity.

Reload the configuration:

test -e '/etc/init.d/php5-fpm' && command service 'php5-fpm' 'restart'
test -e '/etc/init.d/apache2' && command service 'apache2' 'force-reload'

Manual installation

If the Debian package is not available, install the extension manually.

Detect PHP extension configuration path:

test -d '/etc/php5/mods-available' \
  && MODS_CONF_PATH='/etc/php5/mods-available'

Environment preparation

Install the needed software:

command apt-get install php5-dev make php-pear apache2-prefork-dev libpcre3-dev

Update PEAR:

command pear channel-update
command pear upgrade PEAR

Update PECL:

command pecl channel-update
command pecl upgrade

Software installation

Install the extension:

command pecl install 'apc' --with-apxs='/usr/bin/apxs2'

Enable the extension:

echo "; configuration for php APC module
; priority=20" > "${MODS_CONF_PATH}/apc.ini"
test -n "$(command -v php5enmod)" && command php5enmod 'apc'

Reload the configuration:

test -e '/etc/init.d/php5-fpm' && command service 'php5-fpm' 'restart'
test -e '/etc/init.d/apache2' && command service 'apache2' 'force-reload'

You can now configure APC.


The manual installation recommends:
